Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Shark with a Lazer??

Yes that is what you think it is. A shark with a laser shooting from his head.

Eli S.

My Unicorn #1

     Once there was a unicorn named Twinkle.  She has white fur, dark brown hair, and silver eyes.  She has a friend named Twilight.  Seara is Twinkle's owner.  Seara would play with  Twinkle and Twilight.  Seara had one special secret.  Twinkle is a unicorn that can fly.  You say a spell and she get wings and have sparkles on her.  Her eyes turn blue and purple.  Her hair turns white and her skin turns brown.  She flies away sparkling in the sky.  Twinkle is just like a twinkling star.

By Victoria B.

Friday, December 7, 2012



    It all starts at Earth, on Earth's continent North America, America's city of Anderson!  Oh yeah!  My name is Bob by the way.  I am an alien.  I have one friend and his name is Bob the 2nd.

    "Bob," said Bob's mother.  "Are you talking to your butt again?"

     "No," said Bob.  "I am going to sleep now.  Later!"

Natalie L.